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Livin in la


That Hollywood guy is eating movies up.
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Livin in la
Films + snacks - hmm...
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(random sampling below)

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Livin in la

In a nutshell:
Film Reviews In A Snack are a visual and emotional analogy that captures the tone of a movie. They are light-hearted, relatable, graphic presentations that are colorful, easy quick-reads meant to create intrigue for the movie, while instilling nostalgia and joy for snack consumption.

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Films ignite - Snacks unite:
Movies and snacks have been intertwined since 1957 - that’s the year the refreshment trailer “Let’s All Go To The Lobby” premiered.

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Theaters -
Snacks (popcorn, Jujyfruits, Junior Mints, etc.) are 30-40% of a movie theater’s revenue (according to NYU Professor Charles Schreger, who focuses on the business of entertainment).
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“Theaters make money by your buying a ticket. And then they have to give a lot of that money (usually about 50%), back to the Studios. So it’s a relatively low-margin business. They make their huge profit margin selling you popcorn.”
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Streaming -
Around 19 percent of U.S. adults watch or stream movies every day. An additional 26% watch movies several times per week. (January 2023)

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Snacks -
Total snack sales during the first nine months of 2022 increased by 11.4 percent (From Information Resource Inc.'s study of the multi-outlet convenience store universe).

Total revenue in the Snack Food segment is expected to be $535.70bn in 2023. Most of that revenue is generated in the United States (US$108.50bn in 2023).

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Film Reviews In A Snack is an Online and real-life bridge between two beloved worlds.

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Target audiences:
• Movie theater chains
• Streamers
• Big Snack
• Food & snack delivery services
• Festivals & Award Shows
• Ticketers
• Online
    • Website
    • Social
    • Reviewers
    • Chefs

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Livin in la

Potential revenue streams:
Film Reviews In A Snack is an ideal movie studio, streamer and snack-manufacturing corporate partner. Reviews aim to always be positive for both the film and the snack.

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Movie theater chains -
Theater chains could commission Film Reviews In A Snack to review new releases for in-lobby posters that celebrate the films and available snacks.

Film Reviews In A Snack posters could live in-lobby (and Online) to help promote / target snack consumption for each movie. Poster campaign(s) could help create a fresh rotating candy / snack promotional series to pair with new releases.

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Streamers -
Streamers could also commission Film Reviews In A Snack to review their new releases for on-screen promos that showcase new movies and the home snacks that go best with them. This could help create a more celebratory and event feel to watching films on their platforms.

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Big Snack -
Categories of snacks includes chips, nuts, sweet snacks, jerky and pretzels. Many of the companies that make these items are some of Corporate America's biggest advertisers. Movie tie-ins have been extremely popular for fast food goliaths - this is an opportunity for snack manufacturers to get (more) in on the action. And for Studios / filmmakers to see them in this same partnership light.

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Food & snack delivery services -
Instant delivery is very much a thing these days. Film Reviews In A Snack could create partnerships with snack deliverers like Door Dash, GrubHub, UberEats - or local Brands like GoPuff, who could use the movie-snack pairings to promote 'movie nights' - which can serve as a fresh impetuous for orders. (Orders which will most likely include additional items.)

Film Reviews In A Snack could also create an Amazon store and act as a direct reseller / instant deliverer of snacks through Amazon Prime. Thought being is that people will add more to their (commissionable) delivery order than just the snack for a film. This will create added revenues. Plus, with Amazon's Cookie Policy, Film Reviews In A Snack would also receive commissions from everything that individual purchases on Amazon for the next 24 hours.

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Festivals and Award Shows -
Like Theater Chains and Streamers, festivals and award shows could also commission Film Reviews In A Snack to review their films for Online and in-lobby posters that celebrate the breakout titles, along with the snacks / beverages they have available at their venues.

Film Reviews In A Snack posters and pairings could also make for good Host banter for live audiences, as well as for those watching at home.

Film Reviews In A Snack is a great way for festivals and award shows to court Big Snack partnership / sponsorship $s - something all festivals and award shows could use more of.

Film Reviews In A Snack is a great way for partners and sponsors to showcase their snack items to the receptive audiences of celebs, festival movie lovers and award show attendees.

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Film Reviews In A Snack could also be a movie-snack-ticket partnership opportunity for ticket sellers like Atom Tickets, AXS and Fandango.

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Digitally speaking -
Direct to Consumer Website / App will take advantage of an archived / database of all the snacked movies - searchable by film, genre, date of release, Directors, Actors snack, etc.

The Film Reviews In A Snack Website / App would feature various new and highlighted releases, along with accompanying snacks.

The Film Reviews In A Snack Website / App would attract high spending advertisers like movie studios and candy makers.

Film Reviews In A Snack could expand on static poster ideas to include video - i.e combo of movie trailers + snack commercials.

The Film Reviews In A Snack Website / App would link to ways to stream films at home or buy tix Online. (Taking advantage of various pass along commission programs.)

The Film Reviews In A Snack Social Media presence would include expanded Instagram Posts and Stories, establishing FB movie and snack-lover groups / pages, as well as uniquely Film Reviews In A Snack executions on Twitter, TikTok…

Articles: The Film Reviews In A Snack Website / App would include thoughts and tales from directors, actors and fans about their film-snack experiences.

Fellow Reviewers: In navigating the world of Social Media movie reviews, have uncovered a huge trove of unique amateur reviewers doing things differently. The Film Reviews In A Snack Website / App could be a platform launcher for these fresh, non-traditional review-style Brands and generate additional revenues - a la how Usher continues to be financially part of the world of Bieber for introducing him to the music scene.

Chefs: Film Reviews In A Snack Website / App could collaborate with professional and home-chefs to serve up customized / doin-it-yourself film-snack ideas.

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Proof of concept:
Film Reviews In A Snack has a strong + growing U.S., international and entertainment industry following. It also has a relatively small audience, so on a grand scale, it's totally fresh and new.
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Livin in la

Film Reviews In A Snack Viewers often Like Posts in batches - helping to showcase the value of a large collection of reviews, in addition to the attraction of individual Posts.

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Livin in la

Expanding the Brand:
Film Reviews In A Snack, TV Show Reviews In A Snack, Book Reviews In A Snack, Song / Album Reviews in A Snack, Sport Team Reviews In A Snack... so many natural possibilities.

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Battle tested:
Followers already include movie lovers, leading film critcs, film festival programmers, as well as many of the people in and behind the movies paired with the snacks.

Next steps / needs:
    • Consume more films
    • Attract development $s to help execute and scale plan, Website / App and Marketing
    • Attract additional expertise from film, snack and tech
    • Start lining up Partners and Sponsors

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Livin in la

Thank you:
I Look forward to discussing the possibilities. - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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