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Livin in la
Knockin' the NFTinsel off the town


Below is a sample conversation for the Big Snuggler NFT - part of the Twisted Teddy Collection from The Hollywood Street Club. The scene shows Investors how to naturally infuse their NFT story into an actual personal or professionl situation.
Livin in la
”Swagger Back”


A diverse group of individuals mingle around a large table - enjoying an immersive dining experience, courtesy of one of the NFTs in their collection. Some people already know each other - others are recent additions to the club. The premise is to meet and greet, so at some point everyone takes center stage.

The night is a perfect opportunity for ASHLEY to memorably introduce Themself beyond just the Facebook, Twitter & Instagram persona.

ASHLEY - The Collector / Investor / Social Media personality & Inflencer. (They / Them)

  •      AYAKO
  • Oh Juan - you’re not telling that same story again, are you?
  •      JUAN
  • Ha ha - si si…
  •      AYAKO
  • Don’t believe him Ashley - everything that comes out of his mouth gets gabillions of views and a mountain of Likes.
  •      JUAN
  • Ayako - you flatter me.
  •      AYAKO
  • Juan, this is Ashley.
  •      JUAN
  • Hola.
  •      ASHLEY
  • Hello.

Small talk ensues. EZRA holds court at one end with a viewing of his Bored Ape, while SHARON is discussing her recent purchase of an A-listers NFT movie. She’s convinced it’s a total game changer. PHIL is full of piss and vinegar and is blathering on about his skepticism for just about everything.

  •      SHARON
  • (to Phil) And yet here you are. A tad hypocritical, no?

The record scratching moment causes everyone’s attention to focus on Phil.

  •      PHIL
  • (stammering) Sorry… long day..

Ashley seizes the moment -

  •      ASHLEY
  • Don’t sweat it Phil - these are crazy times.
  •      PHIL
  • Thank you, but still - that’s no excuse.
  •      ASHLEY
  • I think we can all sympathies and relate. I know I’ve had my share of (air quotes) long days.
  •      JAYDEN
  • 💯.
  •      SHARON
  • I am also not immune.
  •      PHIL
  • (holds up his almost empty glass) Preciate that.
  •       EZRA
  • Ashley, please share with us the source of your wisdom and this positive energy?
  •      ASHLEY
  • (laughing) In my case, definitely… Big Snuggler.
  •     JUAN & JAYDEN (together)
  • Big Snuggler?

At this point, Ashley / each Collector can fill in the conversation details using a story from their own life - a situation that required them to hug themselves. Ashley tells a quick story of her personal gender journey.

  •      ASHLEY
  • Well... like a Hollywood starlet (voguing), I’ve always chased the rainbow.

The other over achievers in the group nod - they get it. Probably why they are all here together tonight.

  •      ASHLEY (…continued)
  • But along the way, I discovered that even a pot of gold was not going to fix everything.
  •      SHARON
  • Been there.
  •      ASHLEY (…continued)
  • At some point, I looked around and discovered that my city of angels was really more like a boulevard of broken dreams.
  •      JAYDEN
  • You're singin' my song.
  •      ASHLEY
  • So I decided to turn my attention inward - just about the same time I came across (shows NFT pic) Big Snuggler.
  •      AYAKO
  • Ha! That’s cute.
  •      PHIL
  • Hilarious.
  •      ASHLEY
  • My connection was instant - the 'it's all free hugs' til it isn't visual immediately spoke to me.
  •      JUAN
  • I can see why.
  •      ASHLEY
  • When I was a kid, my teddy bear was everything to me. No matter what I was going through, I could hold it close and everything would be okay.
  •      PHIL
  • I loved my teddy bear, too.
  •      ASHLEY
  • Now, whenever I need to set the mood, or if I’m having a long day (nods to Phil) - I take a moment to check out my Twisted Teddy.
  •      PHIL
  • Twisted Teddy?
  •      ASHLEY
  • My connection was instant - it immediately spark to me. Layin’ there all splayed out - feelin’ alone and sorry for myself. (slight pause) That was I / me at my worst.
  •      AYAKO
  • (under) Oh Ash.
  •      ASHLEY (…continuous)
  • But do u see those eyes of hope and that They / Them - we’ve got this grin. Well that’s me too!
  •      PHIL
  • (over under) Giddy up.
  •      ASHLEY (…continuous)
  • So whenever I need to set myself right - or if I’m having a long day (nods to Phil) - I put my arms around the situation - and myself and give a great big squeeze. And in no time, I've got my swagger back.

Big Snuggler helps Ahley get her fluff on

Others begin to chime in.

  •      JAYDEN
  • Big Snuggler.
  •      SHARON
  • I totally get it.
  •      AYAKO
  • I think I’m a big snuggler, too.

optional plug -

Note: Since Hollywood Street Club Collectors are also deputized "Hollywood Agents" (see Additional Utilities), they will receive commissions when they help create sales. The following is a sample explanation / how to infuse these stories into a conversation.

  •      PHIL
  • What’s that NFT collection called again?
  •      EZRA
  • Yes, do tell.
  •      ASHLEY
  • Big Snuggler is a pieces from the Twisted Teddy Collection.
  •      SHARON
  • Twisted Teddy - that’s hilarious.
  •      ASHLEY (…continued)
  • Original Teddy Bear street art photography - digitally painted in different quantities and combinations.
  •      AYAKO
  • Cool.
  •      EZRA
  • Interesting.
  •      ASHLEY
  • They're part of the Hollywood Street Club.
  •      JAYDEN
  • Never heard of it.
  •      ASHLEY
  • Really nicely twisted artwork - four collections - Twisted Teddies, Twisted Toiletz, Twisted Tinsel and 💯 Twisted. Each comes with a different uplifting and relatable Hollywood tale.
  •      JUAN
  • Impressive.
  •      AYAKO
  • I want one.
  •      SHARON
  • Me too!

Phil takes advantage of the change in mood -

  •      PHIL
  • How bout a round of tequila shots?

Everyone enthusiastically agrees. The night continues…

Livin in la
Let’s get twisted


Livin in la